Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Shannon's Winter Syndrome (SWS)

Today's been a bit of an 'emo' day. I found myself recalling an instance where I laughed at a brother and sister for being 'emo' couple of weeks ago. And here I am in such a state now.

But it's also today that I found myself discovering MYSELF.

There's something called a Shannon's Winter Syndrome (SWS). And that, I just found out yesterday and today. Something that affects me in a way that my emotions kind of gets conjured up in different directions, to a state where I become 'emo-fied'. No, there ain't no such word - I made it up. And with regard to SWS, I believe God has reveal this to me so that I could work on it. And thank God He didn't drop that awareness in my life like a bomb. He did it so gently that I found myself having to rely on Him to get through this. Now that I see it, I act upon it. Not just acknowledge.

SWS symptoms, cure and revelation

Been having a craving to sing KTV today... but well, see how it goes. Students are having exams - but I just called Raymond and he's actually singing K at Cybercity! LOL!

You know you kinda have those kind of days once in awhile, where you just think "man! everything is heading the wrong way!"

Today I paid $16.75 for a half a foot long subway sandwich which I'm still trying to get my head around it. I paid 20 bucks and got returned only 10 bucks. Then I tried reasoning with the cashier about how he only returned me $10.

Then after I managed to get back my few coins of change + my $10 note. I walked off.. and when I returned to my workplace, my $10 was not on me anymore.

I thought to myself - only if I hadn't tried getting back those coins I might now be still holding onto my $10. What really happened?

But somehow, there was that kind of peace in my heart. And though it was totally annoying, just the thought of it alone, I just asked God to give that $10 to someone who really needed it then.

There were also couple of hiccups at work today with the mice our lab were gonna work with. Somehow, the people from the animal house made a mistake and did double of our experiments with double the number of mice needed, which resulted in a shortage of mice for the next experiment. IT was chaotic and frustrating. And to make things worse, while handling some liquid nitrogen, I kinda 'burnt' my hand - okay, I do mean burn - ice burn. You know the temperature of liquid nitrogen is -196 degrees.. or more!

So, my finger hurts. But... after these all... I felt a sense of achievement while I left work.

And the verses rang in my heart, something Atieno left for me before she returned to Kenya.

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
- Psalm 118:24

Amen. Indeed God has made this day. And despite all that happened, the peace and joy in my heart had been from God - my comforter and sustainer.

And so I ended the day with an awesome 6km on the threadmill. There - an achievement! Then came home and did what I love doing most - bake!

And yeah, here I am, summing up today. That's pretty much it.

God is good. And because He is good, the day He made, today, is GOOD.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
- Romans 8:28

It's been a long day! I'm gon hit dreamland now. Goodnight all.

Zzzz... God bless. :)

P.S. Ooh.. My bro just went to Cambodia today for another mission trip.. Praise God! Please pray for him! :) Thanks!

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